Using nested expressions when searching
Nested expressions allow you to create complex searches for information.
For example, "html AND ((smtp OR pop3) NEAR mail)" finds topics
containing the word "html" along with the words "smtp" and "mail"
close together, or containing "html" along with the words "pop3" and
"mail" close together.
The basic rules for searching help topics using nested expressions are
as follows:
You can use parentheses to nest expressions within a query. The
expressions in parentheses are evaluated before the rest of the query.
If a query does not contain a nested expression, it is evaluated from left to right.
For example: "mail NOT pop3 OR smtp" finds topics containing the word "mail" without
the word "pop3" or topics containing the word "smtp". On the other hand, "mail NOT
(pop3 OR smtp)" finds topics containing the word "mail" without either of the words
"pop3" or "smtp".
You cannot nest expressions more than five levels deep.