The IntlTimeZone class

(PHP 5.5.0, PHP 7, PECL >= 3.0.0a1)



IntlTimeZone {
/* Constants */
const integer DISPLAY_SHORT = 1 ;
const integer DISPLAY_LONG = 2 ;
/* 方法 */
public static integer countEquivalentIDs ( string $zoneId )
public static IntlTimeZone createDefault ( void )
public static IntlIterator createEnumeration ([ mixed $countryOrRawOffset ] )
public static IntlTimeZone createTimeZone ( string $zoneId )
public static IntlTimeZone fromDateTimeZone ( DateTimeZone $zoneId )
public static string getCanonicalID ( string $zoneId [, bool &$isSystemID ] )
public string getDisplayName ([ bool $isDaylight [, integer $style [, string $locale ]]] )
public integer getDSTSavings ( void )
public static string getEquivalentID ( string $zoneId , integer $index )
public integer getErrorCode ( void )
public string getErrorMessage ( void )
public static IntlTimeZone getGMT ( void )
public string getID ( void )
public integer getOffset ( float $date , bool $local , integer &$rawOffset , integer &$dstOffset )
public integer getRawOffset ( void )
public static string getTZDataVersion ( void )
public bool hasSameRules ( IntlTimeZone $otherTimeZone )
public DateTimeZone toDateTimeZone ( void )
public bool useDaylightTime ( void )




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